Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Moral Ambiguity

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day. He finds himself in some sort of moral dilemma. Should he do something that he feels is the right thing to do and then lie about it because he also feels that is the right thing to do? I've found myself in this place before and to tell the truth I have told my fair share of lies. So I told him that if you feel that this is the right thing to do, then by all means do it. But your actions will be judged and validated by those who will hold you to account. So you must speak the truth to these people, you are bound by honour to do so. I will try my darndest to follow these words. I will attempt to speak only the truth and see if it can truly set me free.


Ink said...

I'll resist the temptation to get into this argument. I remembered this line from some song, though:

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."

the emrys said...

the truth?? its overrated :D

Anonymous said...

Ya, do let me know how that goes, telling the truth and it setting you free that is. Fiona

Baz said...

A different perspective: Moral and immoral are not the same thing as good and bad.

The good thing is the one that benefits the most people and hurts the least people. If telling the truth will cause pain, the best thing to do is lie.

Carsozy said...

here to disagree with Bazlosophy, immoral cant be good just because it hurts less people.

Baz said...

Czar Rosy, think of it:

Throughout history it has been considered immoral for women to work in offices, for people of different races to marry and for blacks to talk back to whites.

Meanwhile war has been considered a moral act (bomb the heathens/infidels/coomies! Honour!) and people have said things like, "He is a man of good morals. He disciplines his wife very well."

That's why I say morality is a different thing from right and wrong

streetsider said...

i think baz pretty much has it covered.

Rhino said...

I think I'm going with Baz, there's a lot of wriggle room there! The truth thing is a bit hard but will do as much as I can.