Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Of this and that and the other

I've not been here in ages, sorry but life sort of caught up with me and I just managed to wriggle out of it's grasp for these few minutes to tell you what's up. I've been doing a lot of writing, unfortunately most of it's been done in my head. I can't seem to stop thinking about things, which reminds of a Robbie Williams song with the line "contemplating thinking about thinking". Yup, I've been doing that. I've been thinking about the Goldstone report and I will be telling you what I think about it soon. I Was watching Faultlines on Al Jazeera the other day and they had a special on Honduras, it's amazing how much injustice goes on out there and yet the powers that be stand by and watch.

The Listening post is doing a feature on Obama's Nobel and how it was reported in the media, what do you guys think about it? Afghanistan is in trouble, they have to organise a run off election before winter sets in, I wish them the best. Karzai attempted to pull a fast one even with all the world's cameras pointed at him and he nearly got away with it.Pakistan on the other hand is in danger of devolving, can you believe the chaps have nuclear weapons? The whole world seems to be comfortable with the idea of wiping out the Al Qaeda and make theTaliban powerless but I'm not sure it's going to be accomplished.

Back home, I've heard things about a homosexuality bill that makes us look like barbarians and apparently no leader on the continent deserves the Mo Ibrahim Foundation Prize.

Will fill you in tomorrow on other happenings. Later peeps


Unknown said...

I quit watching or reading news but you have brought me up to date pretty well :-)

xiona said...

Strange that this morning i was contemplating the Mo Ibrahim Foundation prize and i really dont see anyone fit to have it. Nelson Mndela done got himself too many awards, am sure he's fast running out of storage space! I love my continent but Man! we have a long way to go!

L.A. Lutara said...

i'm wish ashy...news is too depressing..but i always try to catch my fill so that i'm not COMPLETELY ignorant..no shot at you ashy...

L.A. Lutara said...

um...*with..not wish..lol