Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mega BHH

So, the party is on! @solomonking has all the details and I'm going to camp at his office, which by the way (Streetsider and Sleek) is above Banana Boat and not some alternate dimesnion between the ATM machines and FatBoys, until I get them.

See you guys there.


L.A. Lutara said...

you guys are sooo unfair!!! i wont be in kla til 20th...WHY!?!?!?

streetsider said...

for your information, it was sleek who got lost. i was on point.

Unknown said...

Is BHH really going to happen?

Bee said...

Wedding that evening. Can you imagine the horror. Guess I'll remain anonymous till the next one :-)

Baz said...

So Solo's office is in an alternate dimension above Banana boat. Sweet.

normzo™ said...

Seems UBHH has been pushed to an unknown date- Our Hosts Mum was going to be involved.... that wasn't going to be a good idea.